Diagram från Australian Transport Safety Bureau: The Development of a Protective Headband for Car Occupants (PDF)
Bland bilförare som omkommit i trafikolyckor har 49% allvarliga eller mycket allvarliga skallskador. Det visar en fransk studie från 2008. Erfarenheten från Australien visar att bland bilister som kommer till sjukhuset så är det oftast huvudet som tagit värsta smällen. Forskare menar att hjälmliknande pannband skulle kunna minska bilisternas skallskador med över 67 %.
Är det inte hög tid för Trafikverket att dra igång en bilhjälmskampanj? För inte kan det vara så att Trafikverket bryr sig mer om cyklister än om bilister? :-p
The fatal injuries of car drivers. Ndiaye A, Chambost M, Chiron M.
3.4. Injuries responsible for death
The injury description was sufficiently complete to explain the death of 287 casualties with at least one AIS 4+ injury. These injuries were 478 in number and are described in detail in Table 3. The four most frequently affected areas were the thorax (62% of casualties), the head (49%), the abdomen (10%) and the spine (9%).
Centre for Automotive Safety Research: CASR Headband
The development of a protective headband for car occupants (2000)
The results from Phase 3 indicate that a headband can greatly reduce the severity of an impact to the head. HIC was reduced by 25 percent with the use of 25 mm of BB-38 polyurethane, and 67 percent with the honeycomb cardboard prototype, when compared with an impact with no headband.
Australian Transport Safety Bureau: The Development of a Protective Headband for Car Occupants (PDF) (2000)
Car crashes remain a significant source of head injury in the community. Car occupants have an annual hospital admission rate of around 90 per 100,000 population. Of drivers who are admitted to hospital, the most serious injury is usually to the head (O'Conner and Trembath, 1994).
Helmets for cars would save lives (inskannad artikel)
The Lazy Randonneur: Make sure you wear your helmet - when you drive!
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